

I absolutely love Calamari. Be it fried or sauteed in butter and garlic. When I saw  Calamari in the fish bazaar in Mumbai, I knew I had to buy it and try to make a version of the Butter, Pepper, Garlic Calamari of my own.

Continue for recipe..

1 dozen calamari or Squid, cleaned, heads and ink removed
8 to 10 cloves of garlic { roughly crushed in a mortar and pestle}
1 tbsp ginger garlic paste. {1 inch long piece of ginger, crushed along with 3 pods of garlic into a paste}
3 tbsp Butter, unsalted.
1 tbsp vegetable oil
1 Serrano or jalapeno peppers finely sliced.{You could avoid this if you don't like it too spicy.}
1/2 tsp crushed fresh pepper corns.
1 tsp green chilli paste {crush 3 green chilies}
1 tsp 5 spice powder.
2 tsp soya sauce.
Salt to taste.


-Cut the calamari into thin rings using a pair of kitchen scissors.
-Add a little  salt to taste, the crushed green chili paste, ginger garlic paste, soya sauce, crushed black pepper, 5 spice powder and   mix in a bowl. Set aside for 10 to 15 minutes.
-In a heavy based pan, melt the butter and add oil and fry the crushed garlic till golden brown on low flame.
-Add the sliced Serrano or jalapeno peppers and fry for a couple of minutes.
-Add the calamari and cover it completely with the butter, garlic. Stir fry for 8 to 10  minutes on medium flame, or till calamari is cooked well. {Do not over cook the calamari as it will become very tough and rubbery}Stir occasionally.
Serve hot.

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