

This is a slightly thick curry from Bengal. It is not too spicy, but has a distinct flavor of its own. Very unlike any other sea food curry I have tasted. I ended up making a version of this curry by default. I had no coconut milk cans in the house and a craving for some kind of fish curry. When I was done making it, my family loved the distinct and different flavor of this curry.Guess I shall be making this one again for sure! Its quick and easy to make.

Continue for recipe....


2 TBS dessicated coconut powder
2 medium or 1 large onion cut into four pieces
3 medium tomatoes { roughly blender in the blender}
6 Kashmiri dried Red Chili
3 to 4 bay leaves
1 TSP mustard seeds {Rai}
1 TSP red chili powder. { 2 if you want it more spicy}
1 TBS coriander powder {Dhanna powder}
1 and1/2 TBS ginger garlic paste
1 cup water
3 TBS mustard oil. {or any vegetable oil}
Salt to taste


-Dry roast the onion pieces, dessicated coconut powder, mustard seeds  and dry red chilies on medium flame , making sure that the coconut powder does not burn. When slightly brown, remove from flame, {about 4 to 5 minutes} and make a rough paste in a blender. Add a little water while blending so that a rough paste is formed.
- Heat the oil in a deep heavy bottom pan and add the bay leaves. Fry for a minute and then add ginger garlic paste. Fry for 2 minutes.
-Add the the onion paste and fry for 10 minutes on medium flame, stir well so that it does not stick to bottom of pan.
-Add the red chili powder and coriander powder.Fry for 2 minutes more.
-Add the Tomato paste, cover pan with lid and simmer for 8 to10 minutes, till sauce thickens slightly
-Add salt to taste
-Add shrimp in last and simmer in covered pan for 5 to 7 minutes or till shrimp is cooked.
-Serve hot with steamed white rice.


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