

  My boys love to eat everything that is sweet! They would eat sweets all day long if they could have their way! Since I don't give them any sugar, I was hesitant to introduce them to the ready yogurts and fruit mixes that have added sugar in them. Making sure they eat fruits everyday keeps them happy and my mind at ease. They get their "sugar fix" and I get to keep them healthy too!

I usually make enough fruit to last my twins for 3 days. They eat a small bowl full ( about 4 ounces) 3 times a day each. In the mornings for breakfast, I mix the fruit medley with oatmeal and yogurt.


3 Large Apples washed and peeled.
2 Large Pears, washed and peeled
12 Strawberries washed and hulled
1/2 tsp cinnamon powder.


You can either steam this or pressure cook it.
I usually use the pressure cooker as it is faster.

Cut the fruits into pieces. Put in a shallow pan and add a little water. Half a cup. The fruit will release a lot of liquid of its own, so use very little water in pan. Pressure cook for 3 whistles on high and then simmer for 7 to 8 minutes. Allow cooker to cool down before opening.

To Steam

Cut the fruits into pieces. Bring a pot of water to boil and place the fruits in a shallow pan over the water. Cover and steam for 15 to 20 minutes or till the fruit is soft. Mash the fruits according to the consistency you want. Add the cinnamon powder and cool. Refrigerate and serve cool.

My boys like the fruit in the consistency of a puree, so i blend it to make a smooth paste. It tastes so good that I have a small bowlful myself! Mix with yogurt to make a yummy smoothie.

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